Posts Tagged ‘ weekend ’

Weekdays, what they represent..


Starting of the week, considered to be long and boring cause you just finished your weekend and now a long week ahead before the weekend starts again. The people who suffer from the bad case of the “mondays” would usually look gloomy, sleepy and heavily stoned or high, depending on the doings of the weekend. Basic sense you wish Sundays should come twice in a week.


Ahh!! Of-course the next day to monday as you all must be knowing, this day your prepared for the week ahead or basic sense know that only that 3 more days and the weekend is here and the party starts again. You get back to work , trying to finish the previous days work, which you did not do apparently, so its a busy-busy day.


The 3 rd day of the week, mid of the week or whatever you may call it, there are lot of work to be done, deadlines to complete, focused on only at work that needs to be done and delivered, and stress level keeps on increasing so does the work load , the boss who is  inconsiderate ass, keeps on giving you work after work without realizing the fact that you are already burdened enough, the only satisfying factor being at back of your head that its 2 more days to the leisure weekend.


Yes, yes the weekend is just around the corner and also your bored, bugged sitting behind your desk all day long and after the day at the office is over you start the relaxing by going through a round of beers with your friends and making plans regarding what to do in the weekend.


The last day of work and you know it in the morning, you get up with a smile in the morning singing “its a beautiful day”(by U2) and move on to the work , finish whatever leftover work or simply postpone it for the week to come, by the evening you start singing ” I Gotta Feeling…” (by black eyed peas), come back from office and out to party for the next to days .

Saturdays & Sundays:

The weekend is here and no explanations required is there, if there is than you need to party a lot and get sloshed as much as possible to come out of the suffering of the week.