Retail losses chart

World’s 1st Speaking Newspaper Ad

Well  I dont know how many of you have seen this, but its a brilliant yet simple concept used by VW in India to promote them selves. Here you can check out the video if you missed the actual thing.

Social Media Marketing

Before i start to write about the topic or explain, ill like to ask a question “Do you have a facebook account or a twitter account?” if the answer is yes than, you know what social media means. But people who don’t know:

Social Media Networks are virtual or online social communities developed to curb the need of the human nature. e.g. would be facebook, twitter, linkedin, tumblr, flickr etc. I think you get the idea.

Social Media marketing is the new thing that helps a business or idea to be made viral, through means of social acceptance done by the users themselves. Well its cost free as in there is no added cost to the services provided by these social networks and its cost free marketing for you. If you are able to generate a idea that is accepted by others then you are here to stay or you can just say bye bye to yourself and business.

It has taken marketing to a new level of marketing and that to in the virtual social world, where things are accepted or rejected via means of a click.

Approval marketing

Hey guys , posting after a long long time, well the topic for today is approval marketing, been busy with my internship with , a lot of learning done at the work place .

The first and foremost the question that needs to asked is what is approval marketing?

Well its nothing but taking permission of the consumer before doing anything else, well a approval been grated from the user acts as a permission in its own. Instead of pushing your products to the consumer let the consumer come to you and the question now is how do you do that ? Its quite simple instead of pushing the products through limitless ads to a large crowd increase the frequency of ads to the ones, who would be more interested towards the product. And the other way is it to make it available all round, at the ease of the customer. With this thou shall receive the permission you seek.

WWDC 2010

Well the most awaited event so far, almost everyone on the net awaiting the launch of the new iphone, lets wait and see…

The new Iphone:

Augmented Reality

Imagine a world where you can get information on the go, your walking on the road and dont which direction to take but with the help of augmented reality , you will see icons on the road click on it and it will show the direction you need to take, well if you still didnt get the picture of what im talking about then let me ask you a few question:

  1. Have you seen terminator?
  2. Have you seen iron-man?

If you have then imagine the scene in which the world being viewed from the eyes of terminator yup, that’s it the augmented reality , you will analyze everything on the move and receive information of anything you see or want to see or in iron-man when he is wearing the suit and his computer “jarveice ” shows him all the info.

If you want a proper def. then :

Augmented reality (AR) is a term for a live direct or indirect view of a physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by virtual computer-generated imagery. It is related to a more general concept called mediated reality in which a view of reality is modified (possibly even diminished rather than augmented) by a computer. As a result, the technology functions by enhancing one’s current perception of reality.

Advertise yourself

Amazing video , check it out… this dude knew how to get attention…

The perfect job

I was thinking a while back, about what will be a dream job, well a job im comfortable in. Wouldn’t that be it, as in a job at which you don’t mind spending the whole life working.

To define my perfect job it can be a mix of a lot a series you see in travel in living or some other channel…

Well lets start with all the new cars to drive, on the best of the roads the world have to offer, while traveling around the world, with a amazing party life in the night and also how can i forget the booze, the food and best all you get paid to all this, yes yes what a life i would be…

But well reality check, stuff like this rarely to people like us, well whats wrong in dreaming a little.

Whats your perfect or dream job , leave comment.

How not to get a job?

Well there are a lot websites or blogs that provide info about the things you need to do get a job, but wait have you ever wondered what should one do not to get a job, well here it goes…

  1. On the day of the interview, walk in your casual wear that is a nice funky shirt with shorts and sandals, well its hot and you don’t want the heat do you, Im sure the interviewer would most probably throw you out.
  2. During the interview talk with the interviewer as in he is your buddy or something, lines like “wassup my man” or “where are the bitches and hoes” would guarantee you a job (not in the org. for sure)
  3. Spill a little alcohol over your self so that when enter the room people should know your drunk, misbehave with PA if any .
  4. Be aggressive when speaking or replying back and be a little pissed about whatever being said, always take any reply offensively, surly the security will be there to escort you out.
  5. Try to bribe the interviewer or tell him that you can provide him with some girls for the night.
  6. During the interview, interrupt the interviewer as much as possible, till he is pissed off.
  7. Walk in keep your legs on the table, talk out a cigarette and start smoking if the interviewer stares at you, look at him and say ” sorry, did you want to smoke too” .

Surly all the above would get you out of the job, but if it land you one job then god save you…

The (so called) 3D experience

Well some how it turns after the master piece work “Avatar” by James Cameron , the 3D cinema has come to a limelight , well know all the movie which are coming out are suppose to be 3D. Though the experience in avatar was mind blowing sure the world was in 3D and for the others movies like “clash of the titans” all the 3D i experienced was of a stupid spear coming at the screen or probably the main character was 3D ( I think so, not sure though).

Well 3D movies should have elements that need to be a experience out of this world, something that captures the viewers, rather than just minting money on a new concept of 3D where the only Third dimensional thing are the cast, what do you know ? , im surly not gonna waste the extra buck to go watch a stupid character in 3D, im gonna go enjoy the movie in 2D well hardy any difference. and if any of you beg to differ, leave a comment.