Posts Tagged ‘ student ’

Personality types

All the characters mentioned here are purely intentional and if any one has a problem then deal with it.

Exams are over and we all rocked are papers and now for some blogging …

Personality types: based upon the class.

The Nerve Wreckers :

These are the types who are the high scorers of the class, surely before exams they dont know anything or pretend not to during the class, its as if there secret would leak out that they know about the topic being discussed or they are plain greedy to share some information with there class mates.

The Gossip mongers:

These are mostly girls, talking about stuff that has nothing to do with class, but they yapp and yapp during the class hopelessly distracting the class as much as possible with giggles here,   comment there etc etc… And the best part when the professors catch them they say they were discussing about what he taught( really i don’t think so…) and this group of gossipers would sometimes include boys also go figure.

The Bingo Players:

Aah these are the most interesting types you’ ll see as they indulge themselves in class very well, they are good with numbers and know how to communicate without disturbing the class except when they win and they shout out loud Bingo. These kind dont have notes on there book rather bingo drawn on their note book . (For all those who do not know what bingo is , it is a game in which you draw five column and rows which have numbers from 1 to 25 and each players calls out a number turn by turn , until someone can make 5 lines first , each line represents a letter from b.i.n.g.o , hopefully you got it…)

The unknown student:

These are those who will be in your batch with you , but you have never seen them speak or even know there name , these characters are mostly found at the corners or on the last row of the class , no one knows that he exists. I probably think it because of lack of confidence but who knows they must be some kind of alien observing our behavior for his world (he he).

The question, questioners:

These are kind of funny personality , these people don’t know “jack” about the subject being taught and just to act cool to impress some of the ladies in our class, these people when asked with a question from the teacher would reply with a stupid question like ” Why Sir? ” or pose a question on sir or mams question , that is instead of giving there view they would ask the teacher another question instead of a answer.

Lords of destruction:

These kind only think in way of destroying college property, as in how can they get there money worth. The saying  “Empty mind , devils workshop” actually suits them. These are the bad boys of the class, who are at the top of destroying stuff , but when troubles upon the, they put the blame on someone else (mostly on to the unknow student.)

The Over dressers:

Ok, these are my favorite ones, as these don’t understand then meaning between college and a discotheque , these are the ones wearing party ware to college as in they have come to college to party or putting a statement forward they party a lot. Well you see the truth is if wear causal or formals and say you party, we will believe you. Dont have to put on full make up and wearing outrageous clothes make that point.

The Love struck:

Ok, these lot are the worse of all, seriously … They come to study and suddenly they are in love with some random chick and the torture starts, these people start acting all weird in class, hardly ever in class and then the senti status update on the facebook, confused and messed up in all kind of ways. God save us from these people.

Do leave  your comments, if you want too.

Just In Time (May i come in sir…???)

Let see I’m gonna discuss about JIT or just in time , you all know the actual definition if you dont ,here it is…

Just-in-time (JIT) is an inventory strategy that strives to improve a business’s return on investment by reducing in-process inventory and associated carrying costs. blah blah etc etc….

The above is the definition given in wikipedia, but I’m not talking about it .

What i mean by JIT is that, as a student  i would say ” I was Just In Time for the class.” or JIT for the movie , for lecture, for the break and so on and so forth.

This is what JIT for me stands for as a student , or as an employee i would say ” I was JIT for the work.”. Actually if you see life you can apply JIT or any other lean mean management as you want and according to your own selfish needs. As we humans are selfish creatures , who do things for a particular motive and if any of beg to differ then all i have to say you guys are liar , think about it and you will surly agree to the statement and if you still dont all i have to say is you have a very very big ego, that is not allowing to agree with me or you are a saint who is selfless in life(good for you buddy, enjoy your boring life. ha ha  ;p ).

JIT followers are the two extremes , i.e.

  1. Are the risk bearer , who know how to manage time and know how to get things done, just at the right time.
  2. And the other extreme are just lazy, or laid back(a good way of saying your lazy)

And as for you guys that are reading this if you think you make something out of the JIT or you have a different view , please your welcome to leave your comments… 🙂