Lessons to be learned

What you can learn from a lousy teacher…

If you have a teacher (of any sort) that you cannot please, that you cannot learn from, that is unwilling to take you where you need to go because he is defending the status quo and demonstrates your failure on whatever report card he chooses to use, you could consider yourself a failure. Or you could remind yourself…

  1. Grades are an illusion
  2. Your passion and insight are reality
  3. Your work is worth more than mere congruence to an answer key
  4. Persistence in the face of a skeptical authority figure is a powerful ability
  5. Fitting in is a short-term strategy, standing out pays off in the long run
  6. If you care enough about the work to be criticized, you’ve learned enough for today

From the blog of Seth Godin

Professors and there types

Hope fully none of our teachers read the blog, if they do then I’m screwed, but lets risk it anyways..

The Good :

These are the prof. who are nice people, of who the students tend to take undue advantage of  the prof.s good nature. And also these teachers try and keep harmony in the class, by there goody good routine, are generally loved by the students and are also surrounded by the students most of the time, i.e. specially during the exams and also during the checking of the paper, so they can score a extra here or there in the paper.

The Bad:

These kinds are the worse, they make students life a living hell by giving out assignments after assignments and lot of reading material to go through and lot of surprise tests for the students. The sight of these profs. scares all most all the students except for the ones, who are there favorites. Ok, there are advantages and disadvantages of being the fave of “the bad” (i feel every time i say the bad there should be a background alert music like “dah danh duh dahnnnnn!!” try imagining it ) , the things being you get more marks than the others and also the problem being you need to know stuff to stay or remain the fave.

The Over smart:

Hmmm, this is the kind i hate the most, these are the ones who think everything they say is right and the students are wrong no matter what, you can argue and argue, but no, all that stuff doesn’t matter and leads just some random stupid discussion, which leads to two possible outcomes one being the student gives up and sits down and the second being you get sent to the dean or principal office.

The Sandman:

Firstly for who don’t know what a sandman is, its the god or some creature that puts you to sleep at night. That told, I think most of you know what im going to say, yes! , you guessed it right the prof. that can magically put you to sleep, just by opening there mouth, over a period of years they have developed a talent to make you go to sleep.

The Boaster :

This is the one , who can talk ,i mean it, he can talk all day about himself and how has he contributed to the world, through his knowledge, basically the kind who just knows to blabber, then actually show any proof that, he did it or not. And most of the students are plainly said are hardcore fans of this kind. I would also like to add they act like “self proclaim kings ” who think, the world revolves because of them & humanity is depending on there intellect.

Earth Hour

On Earth Hour hundreds of millions of people around the world will come together to call for action on climate change by doing something quite simple—turning off their lights for one hour. The movement symbolizes that by working together, each of us can make a positive impact in this fight, protecting our future and that of future generations. Learn more about how Earth Hour began, what we’ve accomplished, and what is in store for 2010.

How many of you are going to go with it, Today at  8:30 Pm to 9:30 Pm. 27 march,2010

Weekdays, what they represent..


Starting of the week, considered to be long and boring cause you just finished your weekend and now a long week ahead before the weekend starts again. The people who suffer from the bad case of the “mondays” would usually look gloomy, sleepy and heavily stoned or high, depending on the doings of the weekend. Basic sense you wish Sundays should come twice in a week.


Ahh!! Of-course the next day to monday as you all must be knowing, this day your prepared for the week ahead or basic sense know that only that 3 more days and the weekend is here and the party starts again. You get back to work , trying to finish the previous days work, which you did not do apparently, so its a busy-busy day.


The 3 rd day of the week, mid of the week or whatever you may call it, there are lot of work to be done, deadlines to complete, focused on only at work that needs to be done and delivered, and stress level keeps on increasing so does the work load , the boss who is  inconsiderate ass, keeps on giving you work after work without realizing the fact that you are already burdened enough, the only satisfying factor being at back of your head that its 2 more days to the leisure weekend.


Yes, yes the weekend is just around the corner and also your bored, bugged sitting behind your desk all day long and after the day at the office is over you start the relaxing by going through a round of beers with your friends and making plans regarding what to do in the weekend.


The last day of work and you know it in the morning, you get up with a smile in the morning singing “its a beautiful day”(by U2) and move on to the work , finish whatever leftover work or simply postpone it for the week to come, by the evening you start singing ” I Gotta Feeling…” (by black eyed peas), come back from office and out to party for the next to days .

Saturdays & Sundays:

The weekend is here and no explanations required is there, if there is than you need to party a lot and get sloshed as much as possible to come out of the suffering of the week.

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What makes a Ad good ?

I was just surfing and going through all these ads, that i could see and i wondered “what makes a ad good?”

  1. is it the dialogues in it
  2. the actions of the character
  3. the story line
  4. the information provided
  5. or simply the product

Some ads are baseless that you see it and feel like killing some one, really and worse of all its repeated again and again, but then again some of the best  ads like:

  1. Vodafone Zoozoo
  2. Fevicol : Bus Ad
  3. Happydent ad
  4. ITC Bingo Ads
  5. Hutch : dog ads
  6. Airtel ads
  7. Coca Cola : Amir Khan Ads
  8. Zee Cinema : Paap ka anth ad

Now when you see these ads , you come to think “what kind of people can write such brilliant ads?”, I believe you need to be high enough to come up with such brilliant advertisement and hats off to the people who came up with these, thank to these creative people that the commercial breaks are worth the while.

Well I couldn’t figure out what part of the ads do we like, but if you do , leave a comment.

Personality types

All the characters mentioned here are purely intentional and if any one has a problem then deal with it.

Exams are over and we all rocked are papers and now for some blogging …

Personality types: based upon the class.

The Nerve Wreckers :

These are the types who are the high scorers of the class, surely before exams they dont know anything or pretend not to during the class, its as if there secret would leak out that they know about the topic being discussed or they are plain greedy to share some information with there class mates.

The Gossip mongers:

These are mostly girls, talking about stuff that has nothing to do with class, but they yapp and yapp during the class hopelessly distracting the class as much as possible with giggles here,   comment there etc etc… And the best part when the professors catch them they say they were discussing about what he taught( really i don’t think so…) and this group of gossipers would sometimes include boys also go figure.

The Bingo Players:

Aah these are the most interesting types you’ ll see as they indulge themselves in class very well, they are good with numbers and know how to communicate without disturbing the class except when they win and they shout out loud Bingo. These kind dont have notes on there book rather bingo drawn on their note book . (For all those who do not know what bingo is , it is a game in which you draw five column and rows which have numbers from 1 to 25 and each players calls out a number turn by turn , until someone can make 5 lines first , each line represents a letter from b.i.n.g.o , hopefully you got it…)

The unknown student:

These are those who will be in your batch with you , but you have never seen them speak or even know there name , these characters are mostly found at the corners or on the last row of the class , no one knows that he exists. I probably think it because of lack of confidence but who knows they must be some kind of alien observing our behavior for his world (he he).

The question, questioners:

These are kind of funny personality , these people don’t know “jack” about the subject being taught and just to act cool to impress some of the ladies in our class, these people when asked with a question from the teacher would reply with a stupid question like ” Why Sir? ” or pose a question on sir or mams question , that is instead of giving there view they would ask the teacher another question instead of a answer.

Lords of destruction:

These kind only think in way of destroying college property, as in how can they get there money worth. The saying  “Empty mind , devils workshop” actually suits them. These are the bad boys of the class, who are at the top of destroying stuff , but when troubles upon the, they put the blame on someone else (mostly on to the unknow student.)

The Over dressers:

Ok, these are my favorite ones, as these don’t understand then meaning between college and a discotheque , these are the ones wearing party ware to college as in they have come to college to party or putting a statement forward they party a lot. Well you see the truth is if wear causal or formals and say you party, we will believe you. Dont have to put on full make up and wearing outrageous clothes make that point.

The Love struck:

Ok, these lot are the worse of all, seriously … They come to study and suddenly they are in love with some random chick and the torture starts, these people start acting all weird in class, hardly ever in class and then the senti status update on the facebook, confused and messed up in all kind of ways. God save us from these people.

Do leave  your comments, if you want too.

Exams starting

Internals are about to start , wont be blogging till friday.


Consumers market , is it really???

I was just thinking about , how our professors  keep rambling about innovation and how modern market is or has become consumer oriented , but i beg to differ as you can clearly see that the innovation is at such a height, that the market has become a dumping ground for new and new products within weeks or probably months and the consumer has no choice but to adapt to it , if he doesnt he is gonna be left behind.

Let me give you a example of buying a laptop, you go and buy a laptop from a known company like HP, DELL , APPLE etc.

You end up spending around Rs. 30000 – 40000 thinking you have the latest set of technology , but booom the next week your laptop has already obsolete and there is a better laptop available at the same price, What do i do, but just console my self that im happy with my product.

And goes on and on, its more of a vicious circle that keeps on happening till there is new innovations and consumers dont have a choice but to adapt to the technology to be in the game.

So i thought is it really a consumer market… and i pose the same question to guys , think about it and leave a comment if you want.

Hand Raising style defined

The over excited:
ME! I KNOW! Look at the way I’m supporting my outstretched arm with my other arm! If you don’t call on me, I might die. At the very least I’m going to start whimpering. WHY ARE YOU NOT CALLING ON ME?! I’m in the front row and I’ve been holding my arm up for so long that it’s starting to shake. LOOK AT ME! I can’t feel my fingers anymore. I also don’t remember what I’m raising my hand to say, BUT PLEASE CALL ON ME ANYWAY OR I’M GOING TO HAVE TO START BOUNCING IN MY SEAT!!!

The Coolness
Uh, yeah, I might have something to say. Not a big deal though. You can call on me. Or not. Whatever. I don’t really know why I want to answer your question. It’s not like I care. Hold on, I got a text message. I’m going to read that and then you can call on me if you feel like it. But don’t worry, I’m going to keep the phone level with my thigh while I text so it looks like I respect this class even though we all know that I don’t. I should probably put my phone on silent.

The Note-Taker
Oh man, I wish I could raise my hand and answer your question, but I am just so busy taking notes. I obviously know the answer, but I mean, you understand. I have to keep writing the word “Management” over and over again until you’re convinced that I’m busy, yet studiously attentive, and you call on someone else. Why do I only take notes when you’re asking questions? Ah, let me write that question down and vigorously avoid eye contact. I think that kid who’s bouncing in his seat knows though.

The Back Row (or the so called CEO of the Future)

I’ve been watching something or the other online all class, but I reached my 72 minute limit on Megavideo, so I decided to Wikipedia what you’re talking about. Now I’m going to ask a really specific question so you think I did the reading and that hot girl 3 seats down thinks I’m one of those genius slackers that only really exist. I love disproving stereotypes about people who sit in the back row.

The Maybe…
Yeah, what I was going to say is that I like to start my comments with “I was going to say” and then proceed to say what I was going to say, thus making that phrasing illogical. So, um, I think you might want to call on me? Also, I’ll make my last sentence sound like a question because I’m not confident about what I’m saying?

The Finger

Uh, I’m going to have to disagree actually. I know you haven’t finished talking, but I can already tell that I disagree. I’m pretty sure the professor disagrees too. I mean, psh, I can see that she’s nodding and smiling at you, but she and I have a more subtle understanding. Right, professor? Professor?

The Hands Free