How not to get a job?

Well there are a lot websites or blogs that provide info about the things you need to do get a job, but wait have you ever wondered what should one do not to get a job, well here it goes…

  1. On the day of the interview, walk in your casual wear that is a nice funky shirt with shorts and sandals, well its hot and you don’t want the heat do you, Im sure the interviewer would most probably throw you out.
  2. During the interview talk with the interviewer as in he is your buddy or something, lines like “wassup my man” or “where are the bitches and hoes” would guarantee you a job (not in the org. for sure)
  3. Spill a little alcohol over your self so that when enter the room people should know your drunk, misbehave with PA if any .
  4. Be aggressive when speaking or replying back and be a little pissed about whatever being said, always take any reply offensively, surly the security will be there to escort you out.
  5. Try to bribe the interviewer or tell him that you can provide him with some girls for the night.
  6. During the interview, interrupt the interviewer as much as possible, till he is pissed off.
  7. Walk in keep your legs on the table, talk out a cigarette and start smoking if the interviewer stares at you, look at him and say ” sorry, did you want to smoke too” .

Surly all the above would get you out of the job, but if it land you one job then god save you…

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