Professors and there types

Hope fully none of our teachers read the blog, if they do then I’m screwed, but lets risk it anyways..

The Good :

These are the prof. who are nice people, of who the students tend to take undue advantage of  the prof.s good nature. And also these teachers try and keep harmony in the class, by there goody good routine, are generally loved by the students and are also surrounded by the students most of the time, i.e. specially during the exams and also during the checking of the paper, so they can score a extra here or there in the paper.

The Bad:

These kinds are the worse, they make students life a living hell by giving out assignments after assignments and lot of reading material to go through and lot of surprise tests for the students. The sight of these profs. scares all most all the students except for the ones, who are there favorites. Ok, there are advantages and disadvantages of being the fave of “the bad” (i feel every time i say the bad there should be a background alert music like “dah danh duh dahnnnnn!!” try imagining it ) , the things being you get more marks than the others and also the problem being you need to know stuff to stay or remain the fave.

The Over smart:

Hmmm, this is the kind i hate the most, these are the ones who think everything they say is right and the students are wrong no matter what, you can argue and argue, but no, all that stuff doesn’t matter and leads just some random stupid discussion, which leads to two possible outcomes one being the student gives up and sits down and the second being you get sent to the dean or principal office.

The Sandman:

Firstly for who don’t know what a sandman is, its the god or some creature that puts you to sleep at night. That told, I think most of you know what im going to say, yes! , you guessed it right the prof. that can magically put you to sleep, just by opening there mouth, over a period of years they have developed a talent to make you go to sleep.

The Boaster :

This is the one , who can talk ,i mean it, he can talk all day about himself and how has he contributed to the world, through his knowledge, basically the kind who just knows to blabber, then actually show any proof that, he did it or not. And most of the students are plainly said are hardcore fans of this kind. I would also like to add they act like “self proclaim kings ” who think, the world revolves because of them & humanity is depending on there intellect.

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