Archive for March 12th, 2010

Consumers market , is it really???

I was just thinking about , how our professors  keep rambling about innovation and how modern market is or has become consumer oriented , but i beg to differ as you can clearly see that the innovation is at such a height, that the market has become a dumping ground for new and new products within weeks or probably months and the consumer has no choice but to adapt to it , if he doesnt he is gonna be left behind.

Let me give you a example of buying a laptop, you go and buy a laptop from a known company like HP, DELL , APPLE etc.

You end up spending around Rs. 30000 – 40000 thinking you have the latest set of technology , but booom the next week your laptop has already obsolete and there is a better laptop available at the same price, What do i do, but just console my self that im happy with my product.

And goes on and on, its more of a vicious circle that keeps on happening till there is new innovations and consumers dont have a choice but to adapt to the technology to be in the game.

So i thought is it really a consumer market… and i pose the same question to guys , think about it and leave a comment if you want.